Here it is, it belonged to my grandmother, who follow my blog know that many of my "creations" are made by her and thanks to his patience to fulfill my every desire, now after a series of small little lesson belongs to me.Spero able to create what I think I will start slowly doing simple things and then move to more complicated and laborious clothes, pictures were taken on the fly I apologize if I'm not the best! but I think you'll see a lot spesso.Presto will make a skirt for me time to find the stuff I try and I start work and then if you like why not? happy I could achieve it for you! : D I'm so happy to have you here at home is a great thing for me to know that when I want to create them and she can do whatever I want and how I want!
A big kiss and not followers!
ps: soon a little news! Good evening and Happy
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