is hot, the heat is crazy, with the clothes that you will stick on him, was not even in August. and instead is mid-May, either. until less than a month ago it was still winter, and now you can not stand anymore.
Easter underworld not too cares, so that this is more a problem of people who live down near the rivers. his house is higher up on the floor where the heat is not c'arriva. and then the sudden heat of this fact is doing fine as well do business. Easter is the financier, but under the table, along with the wives, it is also a bit of smuggling, meat, oil, a little cigarettes, medication when needed, in short, what you find.
that day on the square in front his house overlooking a horse-drawn carriage down from above and none other than Don Salvatore viceroy in person. and this is a strange thing, immediately think of Easter. of these days here to see savior viceroy who goes around instead of sitting at home, is so unusual, that he and the four friends and clients, so to speak, who are playing bowls under the pergola, all stop, shut up silent, motionless as statues.

savior Viceroy is an old port that still the gold ear, such as factors of the nineteenth century, and prefers to run with the mare rather than getting on those scopparielli modern. is lame in his right foot due to the pinch of a cock went gangrenous. the big toe at the end he's dropped almost alone. Thank god that you are not running, all the leg, the doctor told him then, that good doctor to avercene so, his name was Don Joseph, who also became a gentleman scientist, belonged to the Muscat. and anyway I really thank savior, and heart, because due to this small handicap is SPARAGNA the call to arms for the great war.
savior and his wife, Angiolella are both very religious, almost Bizzoco, and are very well regarded by all their district and also from those nearby. understood that if the answer to a sensitive issue, then ask a savior to arbitrate because He is a man of consequence, who can keep things calm and did not seize the wrong answer if someone in the heat of the moment.
all the peasants from the bowls are a sign of reverence and flakes with caps and even the public, who mostly do not know who this special guest, dips his head a little, without knowing they also do not why.
Easter underworld, his face inscrutable as ever, he realized almost immediately that the newcomer is definitely not come to be a glass of wine and a chat bowls. Viceroy savior is not the type. remained close to the gig and she caresses the beautiful horse that pulls, check dams and bite are in order, in short do everything possible to stand aside. so, like the other fellows return to play, Easter, with weary steps and slow, it picks up from his chair and joined him.

Easter crime is always a cheerful, small in stature, thin and hair worn short shorts. for lice, he says, you want to explain that much with all the DDT that gets thrown at him, but of what good American, bought on the black market as well, there is no danger of lice and even crabs. he is better this way, and then continues to do so. during the dark years, he has eight children on their shoulders, it was not due to endeavor for a lot missing him is necessary. That was when he bought the recommendation by the prefect, to have that place as a financier. Throughout the war, this time the second, and even a little 'over, went to Naples every morning for service. and this is what went right just so she could make smuggling without anyone suspecting anything. On the other hand, who it should have been aware of it, since he controls made them? Easter is also a man of consequence underworld, but of an entirely different dough than the savior viceroy. him the things you say about him if always remember and sometimes if the marks as well.
saved ', good morning. Good morning to you, Easter. ', in the family's all right', 'nThank to god. and you?, uuuuuuh this and wants to seize your vote, think of Easter, to ask what they need, nothing. Easter is not stupid, if he is savior viceroy is likely that there is something that only you can provide. savior is not usually a man who lowered himself to this kind of trade, rather than at home pulling a bit 'belt, rather than buying contraband. Easter is not too understands what, because, if we all thought so, Statte good for business but at the end of a savior as the respect is due. the fact remains that if you are there, be serious.

savior and it is there to get a piece of ice, although that has not yet reached the season, is already so hot that it is not around anymore. the fact is that his wife Angiolella these days has the air of the new Pantech. poor woman, since all that is twelve years, at least once, the drains are the moves and begins to wiggle and slam where he is. the states for one week, in which no one can go by, if not you are capable and you mozzicate off a finger or an ear, without even realizing it. after thirty years of marriage, managed to soothe her savior and will be a decade when his wife's seize it, he is the only one who can give assistance. that's how he became aware of the words.
Angiolella which has the gift and, until the Savior was not able to stay close to her, no one had ever addon. blindside when the crisis when she wiggles like a snake c'avesse Abbate in the stomach, your body makes you do the dirty things I've ever seen that savior, but in the meantime, Angela speaks and says things holy, says of the dead, or rather, the dead tell their things through her. It is as if, when the seize, angel becomes a kind of window between the worlds of the living and the dead, and then for one week each year, until the window is open, by that other party, all the dead crowd talking, all together, to get their messages to relatives. Saviour, who has always been a man sweat, and fear of the Lord with his feet firmly on the ground, it was not able to able to do this thing until, among the various rants that drove his wife, once he found himself feeling a message from his father, Don Antonio, dear departed, saying to him under a Cerza which had landed the piƱata with petioles, before his death, when he was the creature. Saviour, for the sake, we went to really dig in to that Cerza father's money and found them just where he said the wives. Lord God is a treasure, really, with which it had built a large part of his fortune!
and since then, that since he is convinced of something, the Saviour began to write down the words you want to leave the dead and then, over a week, he goes home to home to deliver to. is also why Angiolella savior and are led by all in the palm of your hand.
the week of Pantech, of terror, so they call it in the family, usually happens more in middle spring. can be overdriven more than a couple of weeks before or after but, inevitably, has to happen between April and May. Angiolella then fidgets constantly day and night and constantly talking. is virtually impossible for savior keep up all the time and the fact most of the messages is lost, or because he did not have time to write, since it must also take care of his wife in the meantime, or go to do their business or, occasionally, an hour sleep well if he has to do.
this spring, the crisis arrived on time, is the heat that has been done before and Angela, with all that moving and the fact that for a whole week not drinking, not eating and not sleeping, is much more tired than usual. The poor woman also begins to us an age, now almost fifty. in short, a savior I'm very worried about being around so he thought it was better to find ice to help Angela, to refresh a little.
savior when he finally decides to ask the Viceroy to which it came, Easter, without adding more runs to take a long time in the ice, that is, in that ditch behind the tobacco warehouse, where he shoved the bag jute straw filled with ice inside, so it remains isolated and beautiful is not it melts.
Easter ', thank you. As I have for you ... disorder?, saved ', nothing, to make good. and if by chance you happen that your Angiola tells you something from my father, good soul, let me pleasure, do you mark it and I did not come to say. so we're even. so would all iastemme against me.
The two men look for a little over a minute and then you cut on the face of both a smile.
Easter ', I can tell you that? you're a good man., do not you think, saved '. and next week, on Saturday evening, when your lady will put back, I'll be welcome if you want me to come here, we do a dance party. and bring your children well., I will not fail. goodbye., goodbye.
and the party fell in love with my grandparents.
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