I can not enter must have been when I was in elementary school. yes. at the time I was a child. yes. whatever they say, I elementary school I made the right age, only once and have never been rejected. perhaps I have come close in the third grade, but mine was not just mental retardation, is that I did not understand fully what the others were doing and most of the time I reacted badly. yes, I had both parents then. I know it may seem banal, but soon after I only had one there. in fact it is not noticed much difference, so there was never paternal, but I thought the same a bad thing, when it happened.
one day we were to wake up to me and my brother, and told us that my uncle came and took us on a trip. you can imagine which means when the first thought on waking was that you have to go to school and what makes you happy as a convict who must go to the gallows, I say, if you imagine one second after you say the punishment is condoned, the scaffold there you go tomorrow, maybe, but for now feast, holiday, joy of living, things like that? what a great feeling!
but unfortunately this time there mid-morning, we were told that the party was not a party but a funeral. and what the hell, I thought, with so many ways to learn that it is always better to go to school, they could not find a less painful? there could, as I know, tell of Pinocchio, and wick unit donkey? maybe that was a little 'fear and a little 'thinking but did eventually learn without serious consequences. no. they chose the funeral, was chosen.
when we got home, we were not in a good mood, you can understand, and we were not dressed well, I was thinking. see that shot all those people who had come home, they could not even get in, they had to park their vehicles right on the highway, far away. me so many machines in our area remember seeing only the feast of St. Mark in Monteroni but that was really a party. yes, maybe we should have a little better place. if they had said something, I know, you see children who later is in mourning, black dress, something like that. instead nothing.
mom, every time I was also just a couple of family friends to visit us, we did a lot of capacity, which had to be made, that there had imbruscinare to earth with good clothes, that if you had to avoid to the other children cry or at least try to make it happen at the end of visits and not at the beginning, then, if not, the atmosphere became too heavy. I wonder how he was nervous mom with a thousand people at home, we were in suit and sneakers.
luckily we knew immediately that it was a great thing. In fact, apart from me and my brother, there were no children. well I thought that somewhere there had to be my sister but that was small, made only three things he was born, sleeping, feeding and cacava and was safe with mother to do this. a bit 'I would have liked at that point understand something more, maybe see my mom that I could explain things so that I understand. I asked a bit 'around where I could find it, I wanted to ask someone I knew, because I had explained that it was better not to talk to strangers, but at that shit about the place, then that was my house even though it seemed, were all unknown, so I began to ask for some 'to recast. Finally, someone told me that Mom was over he received. not receive what I understood, but the important thing was that I knew where to go and look. so I softened my brother by the fireplace, which was the only point of reference that I thought was not changed in the living room, and I intrufolai up the stairs, between the forest of legs and bellies that I blocked the passage.
took me sailing for several minutes to get over. yes. but under normal conditions takes less than two seconds. the stairs in my house were divided into two flights, a long, 21 steps, and a short, only 5. coming from under the technology to address was as follows: Take the run from outside the door, which was just across the ramp, and with one leap it landed directly on the landing, if not at least walk on his knees, from there with a mini run-up could also reach the third step of the second flight but did not suit him, because then you inchiommava there and finished the race. no, it was better to skip only two, from there on foot for two more bounce to the railing where, using his hands, he could hope to arrive, with a technique from the pole vaulter, at least until the tenth step. then you had to force them to race, two by two.
but that day to take a run was out of his own and even the stairs were overflowing with people. I had to climb one step at a time, avoiding most of those who end up caught between those who went up and down, all still as slow as snails. when I managed to get to the top, I was finally to turn right, in my room when I took her by the shoulders, abdominal 'you go? 'Cca is best about no sound is transmitted, they told me and dragged me away. I barely have time to see my mother sitting on a chair, his face yellow and a white handkerchief in his hand that looked like a towel, it was so great, but my sister had it in her. I also saw that there was someone lying on the bed of my parents, all dressed up. I could not see it well, nell'infrusteco I could see only the feet. wore a pair of shoes all made shiny with chromatin that looked new. Then they took me away in the front room, my bedroom. My brother was there, not like that I do not know if he had to get there I left a little earlier, in a coma for half the fuss, down near the fireplace, and there was my grandmother, with the baby in her arms that she was not eating, so it was quiet or asleep, or because ... Oh well '.
to look so plump and still huge in the arms of my grandmother, it occurred to me that perhaps it was better that way, it was so small I mean, at a guess because that day there, we a little older we would have remembered long.