listen to music with eyes
university, one of those beautiful houses where students just happen to go and live (or only to students who seem so beautiful, mah?), There was this music that kept exit window of the building opposite. Classic stuff, played for hours. came from a room furnished in modern style and a bit 'minimal, in which stood a white stone staircase from the steps in beech and without railing, which probably rose to a loft. the building was one of those palaces of the late eighteenth century neoclassical stucco cornices, then the inside there apt nothing but gave me a good feeling.
to stay put, to study the table on the veranda, you ended up easily peek into the window well to touch them. after a while 'I am used to anonymous movements of that room and I began to understand things. music, for example, mica did not go out every day and every hour. in the morning when the shutters were put together and the summer heat came in less, not never happened to hear while, You are not wrong, during the week, at sunset, the concert accompanied you weak at least for a couple of hours.
it took me a few months to see who lives there, who will exercise all those days, those in front of that window even did gymnastics, who will leave around clothes that gave him the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving been abandoned along the difficult road to the bed Night falls spirits.
I finally understood but I have never made and never have spoken. I always thought I was interested more the image I had built, rather than its actual version.